The GSIs will be grading MS7 tomorrow (Friday). Only 1 person on your team must be present. If no team member can be present during the time your GSI has allotted in the link below, please leave your part drawings and parts (well labeled) in your kit box and put your box in the appropriate cabinet in the 250 shop (there are cabinets for teams 1-10, 11-20, and 21-30). Also e-mail your GSI to let them know that you will not be able to attend at that time and include your team name and number.
You must have 3 parts, they must be made from 2 different materials, and they must use 3 different manufacturing processes. We will be grading on machining quality and part accuracy. If parts require modification after assembly (i.e., drilling holes through stacked components) this must be clearly indicated on the drawing so we don't accidentally subtract points.
chack out this ~! transport logistics